Sunday, 30 March 2014

Satisfaction and Appreciation.

Source: Quotes

For some of us, we feel satisfied over littlest of things. We tend to appreciate what people do for us even the smallest things. We pay attention to details like these and are often easily contented. We are grateful for the things people do for us. The word 'thank you' comes out very easily for most of us.

On the other hand, ever feel like what you seem to do for others, it is just never enough for them? You try your hardest to assist them in any way you can and somehow they just want more from you. They expect more from you. I have been through all of that, not everyday, but often enough that I do get tired to please everyone around me. But, I don't simply stop doing it, I keep trying to make people around me happy because I just love doing so. It's my job to make people feel assured and leave the place that they're in with a smile, making them feel better. However, I do have my restrictions too, as do all other workplaces do. 

Working in a health care environment has it's ups and downs. We have to constantly be at our best, keep up with changes, know a lot of things in the shortest amount of time. Most of the time it is such a pleasant environment to work in, you making someones' day, or them making your day. Of course coming to a hospital for a doctor's follow up is never exciting for us. It's not our choice, but we have to do it at some point of time whether we like it or not. Our job is to make people feel as secure as we can and if not all, most of your questions answered and you leaving with a clear mind after your appointments. But no matter what, we are only human too. We do make some mistakes along the way too. Although we do try not to make mistakes because it is after all a hospital, so we have to be tip top in what we do because that is what people expect and want from us. What we call 'Human Error', no matter how hard we try to be perfect and not make mistakes, we do make them, and for that part, on behalf of everyone and myself, I sincerely apologise. I know that will not make time for the fact that precious time was wasted coming down, but I do hope that you know how bad we feel and because it is our fault, and because we will try our best not to make mistakes.

We are pretty much use to having people screaming at us, saying that we are stupid, and so on. To some, it is considered verbal abuse(or maybe not because somehow saying stupid is a normal thing these days), but for us, we have to shrug it off. Don't get me wrong, it is frustrating and it will make us sad when someone say  that you're stupid, however, we can't really say anything to defend ourselves. We apologise for being called stupid. Apologising even after being hurt by words, which is probably our fault for making mistakes, or maybe the system error, either way, they tend to become our fault in the end. Which then leads to us not taking things to our heart no matter how upset we get, we have to let it go. We have to learn that when those things are being said to us, they do not mean it. It is said out of anger. We constantly accept the apology that was never said. Our heart tend to harden. Some of us become unhappy with what we are doing, yet hang on to it because we are comfortable in what we are doing. It has become our routine. I see it happen where I work. Which is not a very positive attitude to have working as a front-line staff. 

No, I am not saying bad things about working in a health care environment. It is fun, I do love my job, I really love what I'm doing. I love how I can interact with people and put a smile on their faces at the end of their visit. It makes me feel happy. I try not to let things like this affect me in every way that I can. For every mistake and complains that you get, there will be others complimenting you on your good service. At the end of the day, it is not everyday that you will receive complains. For every complains, there will be 5 people who is grateful of your customer service. There will be good days too. We have to appreciate and be grateful with what we are doing, then, we are able to give our best customer service from our heart genuinely. Because no matter how bad our day is, there will be someone out there who is having it worse than us. 

It is indeed very hard to satisfy one self. Be it to satisfy a person or our own self. Everyone wants to be appreciated, so in order for that to happen, we have to appreciate what we have first in order to be appreciated by others.

Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.

Till then,

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Lazy, Signs, Perfection.

One of those days I don't know what the title of the post should be. So, this will do. Wow, been such a long time since I last posted. Life has taken over. Bleargh. No I am not a busy person, just lazy probably. Sorry? 


So, recently, I have been reading posts regarding how to know he loves you, 15 signs he likes you, or 10 signs he loves you or 12 signs you've found the perfect man and it goes on and on. I've been seeing that a lot on Facebook. And I read them out of curiosity, don't know why I did that. Normally, I try not to let an article relate to my relationship, because by doing so, I start to compare. And when I start to compare, I will start to have all these expectations which will then end up in disappointment. I will start to believe that in order for him to be the perfect boyfriend, he has to at least have to have those characteristics mentioned in that article that I had just read. And I will begin to question if he is the right one for me because the article that I just read does not reflect most of the characteristics that my partner should have. I will then start to think that in order for him to be a good partner, he has to do things or behave in a certain way the mentioned in the article. Probably most of the things being listed in the article has most of the characteristics that your partner has, if that's the case, that's really good. For those who does not have that, what then? That does not mean he is not the perfect one for you. What I can say is that appreciate your partner for who he is. No one is perfectly perfect. I would say that the most perfect person is probably perfectly imperfect too. If that even makes sense. We're all flawed beings, no matter how hard we try to be perfect. It's easy to say, accept and embrace your imperfections, someone out there will love you despite of all that. But I guess, sometimes, it's not as easy.

Now, I don't have anything against all of those articles. If it makes you feel better by reading it, by all means. It's not wrong to want assurance, just don't let it affect you too much. In the end, it is a source of entertainment. However, to me, if you love and care for someone, that person will put a smile to your face, every end of the day. And if you're in a fight, you'll both somehow turn to each other and find ways to solve it. Being in a relationship is not always rainbows. It's hard. Sometimes you can expect a little thunderstorm along the way, and most of the time, the rain will stop and the sun will put a smile on your face again. No matter how bad or how big the fight is, you'll learn to handle it with each other. It will make you stronger, hopefully. I am no expert, sometimes I don't even take my own advice to use. However, I know that if you love someone and care for that person, you will try to make that person feel that no matter how flawed he/she is, you will try to at least adapt to it, you don't have to necessarily accept how they are, but you will learn to give and take on this one. Also, by giving and taking, you have to know when to draw the line between a healthy relationship or an unhealthy one. You have to know what you really want out of this. Happiness or pain. Does it make you happy? Or are you unhappy most of the time. You are your own judge to your happiness, only you can tell if you're happy in the relationship that you're in. No one can tell you what to do in this one, after all, it is your life. So, you decide your own happy ending.

I hope all of you are doing great wherever you are.

Till then,